The Gridder is the interface where you create your layouts.
Find out how to show the grid on your website.
The “Gridder” is a row and column-based layout tool. Add elements by clicking any buttons with a "+". Move elements by dragging them. Resize elements by dragging their corners. Right click elements and rows to see more settings.
The following videos explain some features that might not be obvious.
Use the "Stack" Element to have multiple elements stacked on top of each other in one row.
Install and activate the plugin qTranslate X. Now all texts in the Gridder are translatable!
Right click on an empty spot of a Row and activate "Use Browser Height for Row Height".
A row with "Use Browser Height for Row Height" activated fills the whole browser window. In that type of row you can position texts anywhere, even if the columns are occupied already.
Right click on an empty spot of a Row and activate "Use Browser Height for Row Height". Right click the Row again and choose "Set Row Image Background". Since this is just a background image you can still put text or anything else into this row.
If you just want to set a background image for the whole website, please do that in "Customize" → "Background".
Right click on an empty spot of a Row and activate "Use Browser Height for Row Height". Right click the Row again and choose "Set Row Video Background". The video will be an autoplaying, looping and muted HTML5 video.
Set a background color for the whole page in "Set Background Color".
Set a row background color by right clicking on an empty spot of a row and choosing "Set Row Background Color".
Right click an element and enter a number in "space above" and "space below". This is useful in combination with a row background color so the color will be around the element.
Right Click on an element. You will see two inputs "x-offset" and "y-offset". Here you can enter positive or negative numbers to offset the element. This way an image can reach into another row for example. In the mobile view the offsets are disabled.
Columns to the right will always overlap columns to the left. Columns of a row will always overlap columns of a previous row.
Click on a row gutter which is shown as a gray bar. The bar will turn pink and you can enter a number to individually set the size of this row gutter. You can also right click an empty spot of the row and choose "Set Row Gutter".
In the Gridder click "+More" → "+Embed". Here you can paste the URL of an Instagram image, a URL of a SoundCloud song and more. Here is a list of all websites that embed should work for.
If the website you want to embed is not in this list, you can still add an <iframe>
embed code provided by that website. In the Gridder click "+More" → "+HTML" and add your <iframe>
embed code here.
Gridder Defaults is where you change the attributes of all of your grids. Go to "LayGridder" → "Gridder Defaults". Here you can set defaults like "Column Count", "Column Gutter", "Row Gutter", "Frame". You can also set "Frame" to be in pixel or percent.
When you save these defaults and check "Apply Desktop Gridder Defaults", they will be applied to all grids.
When Custom Phone Layouts is activated, you will find all settings for Phone Gridder Defaults here.
If you do not use "Custom Phone Layouts" your phone layout will use the values of "Automatically generated Phone Layout Defaults" which you can find in "Gridder Defaults" too.
There are three ways to show the grid on your website. (id and type optional)
Either as a shortcode that you enter in the WordPress texteditor:
Or using PHP:
<?php echo get_laygrid($id, $type); ?>
<?php the_laygrid($id, $type); ?>
Find out more info about each of these possibilities below:
[laygrid id="" type=""]
Usage: Enter the shortcode in a WordPress texteditor.
If both parameters are omitted the current laygrid is returned.
(int)(optional) id of a post, page or term
(string)(optional) slug of post type, custom post type, "category" or custom taxonomy
<?php the_laygrid($id, $type); ?>
If both parameters are omitted the current laygrid is returned.
(int)(optional) id of a post, page or term
(string)(optional) slug of post type, custom post type, "category" or custom taxonomy
echoes string
<?php echo get_laygrid($id, $type); ?>
If both parameters are omitted the current laygrid is returned.
(int)(optional) id of a post, page or term
(string)(optional) slug of post type, custom post type, "category" or custom taxonomy
Go to "LayGridder" → "Options" to find the available options.
Textformat Options:
Horizontal Lines:
On every page that uses a Grid, specific CSS and JS will be enqueued.
However, you might choose to insert your content using JavaScript so you don't have a page-refresh when you navigate.
In this case you need to use the following code in your functions.php to ensure everything works correctly:
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_lg_enqueue_scripts' );
function my_lg_enqueue_scripts(){
wp_enqueue_style( 'laygrid' );
if (get_option('misc_options_simple_parallax', '') == 'on') {
function example_callback($markup, $element, $obj){
// $markup (String): HTML Markup of the element
// $element (Object): The element as an object
// $obj (Object): The whole Gridder layout as an object
error_log(print_r($element, true));
return $markup;
add_filter( 'lg_frontend_img', 'example_callback', 10, 3 );
The example above logs the $element
object and returns the markup of the image. (Here is how to enable error_log
to log the contents of the object to your debug.log file:
function lazyload_images_filter($markup, $element){
$attid = $element->attid;
$alt = get_post_meta($attid, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true);
'<div class="lg-placeholder" style="padding-bottom:'.($element->h/$element->w*100).'%;">
<img src="" class="lazyload" data-src="'.$element->sizes->full->url.'" alt="'.$alt.'">
add_filter( 'lg_frontend_img', 'lazyload_images_filter', 10, 2 );
function enqueue_lazysizes_js(){
wp_enqueue_script( 'lazysizes-js', "");
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_lazysizes_js' );
The example above makes images lazyload, using lazysizes.js.
function my_caption($caption, $element){
return '<div>'.$element->caption.'</div>';
add_filter('lg_frontend_caption', 'my_caption', 10, 2);
function my_elclass($classes, $element){
$classes .= " hello-el";
return $classes;
add_filter('lg_frontend_elclass', 'my_elclass', 10, 2);
function my_rowclass($classes){
$classes .= " hello-row";
return $classes;
add_filter('lg_frontend_rowclass', 'my_rowclass', 10, 1);
$obj->url // String
$obj->target // String like target="_blank"
$obj->element // Object
add_filter('lg_frontend_img_opening_anchortag', function($markup, $obj){
return '<a href="'.$obj->url.'" '.$obj->target.'>';
}, 10, 2);
$obj->url // String
$obj->target // String like target="_blank"
$obj->element // Object
add_filter('lg_frontend_img_caption_opening_anchortag', function($markup, $obj){
return '<a href="'.$obj->url.'" '.$obj->target.'>';
}, 10, 2);
$obj->url // String
$obj->element // Object
add_filter('lg_frontend_postthumbnail_opening_anchortag', function($markup, $obj){
return '<a href="'.$obj->url.'">';
}, 10, 2);
function custom_bg_colors($array){
return array('#ffffff', '#000000' ,'#e9e8e8', '#d4cfcc', '#988e86');
add_filter( 'lg_bg_color_palette', 'custom_bg_colors', 10, 1 );
Define your own colors for the background color palette.
$bg_color = lg_get_background_color($id, $type);
Let's take a look at how to create a custom slideshow element. I recommend you add your own element types by writing a WordPress plugin, so you can reuse that element for your next project. Download the full example from Bitbucket. Put the contents in the folder "/wp-content/plugins/slider-for-laygridder-com/".
CMB2 is a developer WordPress plugin for custom fields. Install CMB2 and create a CMB2 metabox with a file list.
//note the id 'sfl_metabox' which will reappear in the following code snippets
function sfl_register_metabox(){
$cmb = new_cmb2_box( array(
'id' => 'sfl_metabox',
'title' => 'Slider'
) );
$cmb->add_field( array(
'name' => "Slider",
'id' => 'sfl_file_list',
'type' => 'file_list'
) );
add_action( 'cmb2_admin_init', 'sfl_register_metabox' );
Note our CMB2 metabox has the id "sfl_metabox" which will re-appear in the next code snippets.
Attach this metabox to LayGridder using the "lg_cmb2_modals" filter. Then a new button appears in the Gridder "+Slider".
// Using the 'lg_cmb2_modals' filter, I pass the CMB2 metabox id
function add_cmb2_to_laygridder( $metabox_form_ids ){
$metabox_form_ids []= 'sfl_metabox';
return $metabox_form_ids;
add_filter( 'lg_cmb2_modals', 'add_cmb2_to_laygridder', 10, 1 );
Write JavaScript that defines the look of the element when it is placed in the Gridder.
// this function receives a Backbone model that contains your slideshow's content
var sfl_metabox_view = function(model){
var viewContent = "";
var file_list = model.get('sfl_file_list');
if(file_list.val.length > 0){
if(typeof file_list.val[0].url != "undefined" && file_list.val[0].url != ""){
viewContent = '<img src="'+file_list.val[0].url+'" draggable="false" style="position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%; object-fit:cover;">';
return String()
+'<div style="position:relative; padding-bottom:56.25%;"></div>'
+'<div style="position:absolute; top:10px; left: 10px; font-size:20px; color: white; z-index: 1; background-color:black; padding: 5px;">'
Enqueue that js.
function enqueue_slider_view_for_gridder(){
wp_enqueue_script( 'sfl-slider-gridder-view', SFL_PLUGIN_URL.'/gridder/js/view.js' );
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_slider_view_for_gridder' );
Now create your php for your frontend view of the slideshow.
function show_slider_on_frontend( $element ){
// Protip: In your wp-config.php write "define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );" and "define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );" to use error_log to view the data structure in your debug.log file. More info:
// error_log(print_r($element, true));
// or just use var_dump
// var_dump($element);
$slides = "";
$sfl_file_list = $element->sfl_file_list->val;
foreach ($sfl_file_list as $img) {
$attid = $img->id;
$alt = get_post_meta($attid, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true);
$srcset = wp_get_attachment_image_srcset($attid);
$slides .=
'<div class="slideshow-item">
<img srcset="'.$srcset.'" sizes="100vw" src="'.$img->url.'" alt="'.$alt.'">
'<div class="slideshow">
add_filter( 'lg_frontend_sfl_metabox', 'show_slider_on_frontend', 10, 1 );
Lastly, you will need some kind of Slideshow JavaScript Plugin like Flickity. Please visit the Slider Bitbucket repository for a working example of a slideshow plugin for LayGridder.
Textformats is an easy way to create reusable text styles. After you created a textformat you can use it in any WYSIWYG TinyMCE texteditor. When you update a textformat that you have applied to a text previously, the text's style will be updated accordingly.
Here I created a Textformat named "MyFormat":
Now I can use this Format in the texteditor. Just select your text and make sure it's unstyled by clicking the "Clear formatting" button. Then select your format from the "Formats" dropdown:
Applying a textformat in the texteditor.
With "Templates" you can create reusable layouts. Activate "Templates" in the admin panel in "LayGridder" → "Options". A new menu point appears: "LayGridder" → "LayGridder Templates". Here you can create a new page that contains a layout.
After you have successfully created a template, you can insert that template in the Gridder with "+More" → "+Template".
With “Custom Phone Layouts” you can switch between desktop and phone layouts in the Gridder. For your phone layout you could just change the order of your elements or even create a different layout with different content.
Please note that the phone layout is simply HTML markup that is set to display:block;
when your browser width is below the phone CSS breakpoint.
Activate “Custom Phone Layouts” in “LayGridder” → “Options” → “Activate custom phone layouts”.
In your Gridder, new buttons appear for switching between phone and desktop layouts.
On the top right you have three new buttons: “Desktop”, “Phone” and “Delete phone layout” hidden inside the “…” button
When you click the “Phone” button, a modal appears with three options to start your custom phone layout: “Stack elements on top of each other”, “Copy same layout” and “Start with empty layout”.
Creating a custom phone layout for the first time
If you choose “Stack elements on top of each other” or “Copy same layout” the elements of your desktop layout are copied over to your phone layout. These elements are now synced. This means when you edit an element or delete it in one layout, it will also be edited or deleted in the other layout.
Editing and deleting an element syncs to the other layout
If you want your elements to not sync, you can select them, right-click them and click “Sync element” to toggle whether they are synced or not.
Syncing and unsyncing elements
When you insert new elements into a layout, you can select them, right click them and choose “Insert x elements into desktop/phone layout”. When adding new elements this way they are synced.
You only need to do this if you want to add elements and make them synced.
Insert elements into both layouts this way to make them synced
💫 Thanks to @nevenallgeier and @sucukundbratwurst for letting me use their images. 💫